I am Garcita Rayada (Striated Heron)

I am a robust bird and measure between 35 to 48 cm in body length and my weight ranges between 135 and 250 g. I visit Zasqua because I like fresh and salt water bodies. I can be found in the dense vegetation along rivers, lakes and mangroves. I love eating crabs and other crustaceans, molluscs and small fish. In America I am found from United States and Canada to the north of Chile and Argentina through Central America and the Caribbean islands. I am also found throughout most of the African continent, Pacific islands, and Australia. 

Watch and listen as I stalk my prey in a swamp. 

Source: Moreno. J.S . 2010. Garcita Rayada (Butorides striatus). Wiki Aves Colombia. (R. Johnston, Editor). Universidad Icesi. Cali. Colombia.
Mr Ronjax (Director). (2012, June 21). Striated herons (“Socozhinho”) – Butorides striata [Video file]. Retrieved April 25, 2021.

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