Hello! I am Cometa coliverde (Green-tailed Trainbearer)

My most representative physical feature is my very long tail, which can reach 13 cm in length in some specimens. I live in the humid and inland mountain forests of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Peru. When you see me eating, it’s most likely going to be fruits and insects, but mainly fruits. During courtship displays, I make snapping sounds with my long tails. I an always active and defensive, as I weave around, hovering at flowers at various heights.

Watch and listen to the beautiful sound I make standing on a tree. Isn’t it amazing?

Source: Mauroossa, (2019, September 21). Cometa Coliverde/Green-tailed Trainbearer/Lesbia nuna. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
Lesbia Nuna – green-tailed Trainbearer – Sibundoy putumayo [Video file]. (2015, April 15). Retrieved April 25, 2021.

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