Native Speaker Teachers Program
Our Native Speaker Teachers Program started in 1991 with three teachers from the U.S. and has since grown to fourteen teachers from several nationalities, such as North American, Australian, British, Irish, Canadian and Nigerian teachers. As a bilingual school, the main objective of the NST Program is to improve the English level of the students, and as such, teachers are expected to speak English to their students at all times. However, these teachers also come as cultural ambassadors who participate in the growth of the school and the cultural interaction with our community. Part of the mission of the school is to educate students to be global citizens, promoting diversity and inclusion.
Since the program started, we have been delighted to have the NSP teachers as part of the faculty, and work every day to improve their experience in a culturally foreign environment.
We look for candidates who are passionate about teaching and outstanding in their field, be it Literature, Language, Social Studies, Math or Science. We have had graduates from several schools and colleges around the world, such as Georgia University, University of Arizona, Florida State University, Queens College, University of Minnesota; University of Leicester, University College Dublin, University College London, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, Boston College, Colorado State University, Lakehead University, and National University of Ireland, Galway.
We also promote the academic growth of our teachers in or professional development department. Some of them have certified in the teaching of AP courses from the College Board while working with us. We also provide our own workshops for the development of several skills for teaching, and invite our faculty members to join and actively participate.
Despite of the two-year contracts that the school offers, many of our teachers decide to stay at Nogales for more years, finding life in Colombia very pleasant. We also have had many teachers that come back after several years of leaving the country and we are happy for them to contribute with their new experiences and knowledge.
The foreign teachers that come to Colegio Los Nogales are attracted by the opportunity to teach in an academic environment of excellence, where they are encouraged to be demanding, by the strong commitment to values and by the emphasis on the individual. They also appreciate the beautiful campus and enjoy the state-of-the-art facilities. They appreciate the immersion in the Colombian environment where they learn about the love to the country while practicing their Spanish. Finally, they come to learn about another culture, to travel around South America, and to have a great time.

Basics of Nogales for teachers
- 1000 students Pre-K (4 year old students) through 12 (18 year old students).
- Maximum number of students per class: 24.
- Teaching load-24 class periods per week out of 40 periods total per week.
- Time for planning, class preparation and marking included in daily schedule.
- Two-class periods off, once a week for personal time.
- Weekly planning with guidance from the head of the department.
- Individual, thorough assessment expected of each student every quarter in elementary and middle school, every semester in high school.
- Classrooms are shared with other teachers.
- Textbooks in English of compulsory use imported from the US.
- Homogeneous student body in terms of abilities, interests, place of origin, social, cultural and religious background.
- Catholic school run by lay persons (teachers are not required to be Catholic).
- Discipline based on development of autonomy.
Schedule for Teachers
- Regular schedule: 7:10 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.
- Mondays until 5:00 p.m. for faculty meetings.
- One day a week extra-help before school starts.
- All teachers have two class periods off one day a week for errands out of campus.

Contact Us
Calle 202 No. 56-50
Bogotá – Colombia
Phone numbers: (571) 676 – 1128 extension 107
Fax: (571) 668 38 80